We are Jesus-Gemeinde Schmalkalden e.V., an evangelical free church here in Schmalkalden, Germany. Our church started back in the 1990ies, when some of our brothers and sisters heard the call to live faith vividly, in unity and in a modern, fashionable manner. It is our mission to be a place where people can experience God, where they find new life and a personal relationship to Jesus Christ, so they can bring positive change to their environment.


English translation is available.

About us

Who we are.

Hi there! We are an evangelical free church built on the sound foundation of the Bible. We want to experience God in our modern times. We want our church to be a place where everybody feels home. We wish that everyone finds their purpose in life and that they bring the love of God to the people.

We started back in 1996 and we feel great solidarity with all other Churches and free churches of our town.

We are an independent, registered association and we are funded by charitable donations. The work that we are doing is done by volunteers, who bring in all their hearts and love to serve God and other people.

You can find folks from all generations in our church, however, we are still a very young and dynamic church with a strong emphasis on families.

In our church, GOD shall take the center stage, which is why we meet every Sunday to celebrate Sunday service. You are very welcome to join us!

There are also different small groups and hobby groups who come together during the week to work together, spend time together and foster fellowship.

See you there!

What we believe.

We believe in God, who is one! We believe that church is a place full of life and exaltation, where we can experience the life-changing presence of God. We believe that God loves every one of us and that He is not far from us. But that He wants to be in a relationship with us. We believe that He has a perfect plan for each and every one of us, which shall bring us perfect fulfilment.

The Bible – is the word of God. We believe that it is true, good and applicable to our modern life.

Salvation – We believe that people are lost without God. We believe that God loves us like a father. And we believe that we can now come to God because of his son, Jesus Christ, who gave his life on the cross to save us from our sins. 

Baptism – We believe that there is eternal life for everyone who believes in Jesus Christ and that baptism is our testimony of that life.

Holy Spirit – We believe that God wants to work in this world through us – by the power of the the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Holy Spirit gives us different gifts and thereby enables us to live a supernatural and powerful life.

Church – We believe that there is strength and significance in church for our modern times. We believe that it is vital for us Christians to meet on a regular basis in fellowship to worship God and pray for each other.

Calling – We believe that God has called us to bring in our individual talents and gifts so that we can be a light in this world and make a difference in society.

Our pastors.

The leaders of our church are people who work in a team and bring in all their hearts and time to serve God and their neighbours. We wish that our church shall grow and that everyone finds a home with us. We are not perfect and nobody has to be. We wish that everyone can see the love of God through the way we treat each other.

In 1996, our Pastor Mathias and his wife Ruth Schreiber, together with Ingolf and Verena Quiram heard God’s calling to build a new church.

This church should be a place where the Holy Spirit was allowed to work freely and where people worshipped God.

They had been engaged in volunteer activities for many years then, until Mathias Schreiber gave up his job as therapist/coach in a sheltered workshop in 2018 to work as full-time pastor in our church.

The next generation is already lined up. Samuel Butschkau is currently studying Theology in an extraprofessional Master programme. He and his wife Esther are gearing up for following Mathias and Ruth in leadership.

There are other people involved in the leadership of our church, who bring in their hearts and talents into all the different areas to serve God.

Sunday Services

Sunday service...

… is the highlight of the week!
We love to meet and to foster Christian fellowship, but above all to praise GOD!

When: Sunday, 10:00 am

Where: Our church is located at
Asbacher Str. 2a, 98574 Schmalkalden, (old factory Hachelstein, 2nd floor)

This church is a place where EVERYONE shall FEEL AT HOME and may recharge their batteries!

Family inspires us and we start our services together – even the youngest may stay for the first couple of minutes. We love to praise God! Which we do by worship music backed by our band, so that everyone may experience God. There will be a motivating sermon and always an opportunity for prayers.

We are a modern church with a lot of young people, so we like the noisy, vivid and spontaneous rythms of life. See you there!

You are welcome to join us!

...in addition...

…kids and families are welcome!

If you want, your children can meet in Sunday school with our JGS KIDS, where some of our brothers and sisters look after your kids, while you are celebrating service. We have three different groups with games and story telling according to age.

All parents with babies may…

… come and sit in our baby area with baby playground, where they can listen to the sermon and prayers by the speakers. There is a glass wall so they can also see what is going on outside. We also have a little kitchen with a microwave, so that the toddlers may have some lunch there as well. And for the nursing mums we have a separated feeding area.


...follow up

Meet with us & enjoy your time!

Feel free to stay a little longer after services, have a cup of coffee and fellowship together.

There are also a couple of options if you are looking for fellowship during the week. We need each other and we love to cultivate fellowship! Just scroll down to the next
section – We are sure you’ll find some group that you like!

Church Life



There are SMALL GROUPS during the week in the houses where...

… we have fellowship and talk about faith in our everyday life. We meet in the late afternoon in small groups (hence the name) in order to spend time together, share our ups and downs and pray for each other.

Our SMALL GROUPS shall help us to live a life that considers God at all levels of our life.

Curious? We are happy to answer all your questions! You can come to church and ask us in person or send us a message through the CONTACT form below. Just make sure to put “SMALL GROUPS” in the subject line.


Baby, Baby. It is so wonderful to start a family and welcome newborns to life. Though, it can sometimes be challenging and us moms we need to get out sometimes and talk to other people. This is why we ...

… meet every Wednesday and take the time to have a nice breakfast together. It is kind of a podluck, so bring whatever you and your sweetie may like. After breakfast, we use the baby playground to let the babies and toddlers play. We might sing some songs to keep them happy. Mommy can talk to other moms and talk about all the stuff that is going on right now or get advice or new ideas for the new life as a mother. On more special occasions we get creative and do some craft to decorate our homes. So let us surprise you and step by!

We wish to have a good time together with our kids, and we also wish to be there for each other in case you need someone. There is time to have some encouraging input and if you want, we will pray for you.

You are welcome to step by.

We love to meet new people.

Every Wednesday 9:00 am here in our church


On Mondays we are dancing Zumba®! We'll just put all the chairs in our church room aside and turn up the volume on the ...

… worship music. There will be an hour of dancing to the tunes of Christian music. This will sure make us sweat, but it is also a lot of fun! You are welcome to join us and try …

Every Monday at 7:30 pm here in our church

Licensed Trainer:
Katharina Scholz

If you have any questions, you can send us a message through the CONTACT form below. Just make sure to put “Zumba ®” in the subject line.

„ Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.“
(Psalm 149,3)

Zumba ® and all Zumba logos are registererd trademarks of Zumba Fitness, LLC.

Royal Rangers

The Royal Rangers are Christian scouts and actively working in Schmalkalden as part of the Jesusgemeinde Schmalkalden e.V. since 2004. There are various ...

… trained volunteer fellow staff members who are currently working with teams in four age groups.

We wish to offer our kids and teens a healthy and even adventurous alternative to a life full of modern days’ media input and we try and accomplish that with God’s help by teaching them biblical values. 

Every one who enjoys nature and likes to meet challenges together as a team can join us. You can find friends, gain confidence in yourself, be a lot outdoors, foster your creativity and learn about faith in Jesus Christ.

He said:

“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 7,12)

This is our mission statement.

You are welcome to come and see us at our next meeting!

Contact: Anke Bak
(Group Leader)

E-mail: RRStamm344@gmail.com



Every Sunday, our JGS KIDS meet up for Sunday school when the parents are enjoying the service. Your kids will have room to ...

… play in three different age groups. Motivated brothers and sisters will look after your sweethearts. They may play together, sing together, hear from the Bible and make new friends.

Children from 2-4 years meet up in the Spatzengruppe (Little Sparrow Darlings).

Children from 5-7 meet up in as Himmelsstürmer (Heaven Forward).

All kids and almost teens from 7-12 meet up as the Botschafter (Carriers).

We are there to answer any question you might have. You can also send us a message through the CONTACT form below. Just make sure to put “JGS KIDS” into the subject line.

Ehe-und Familienarbeit, LAM, Ehekurse Schmalkalden, EBK, christliche Familien Schmalkalden

Couples and Families

We care to keep our marriages and families healthy. This is why there are various activities for couples and families. For all couples ...

… who would like to marry, we are offering a marriage prep course (EBK).

For all married couples, we are offering a half-year course called “Love After Mariage” (LAM), where trained staff will teach you how to get to an even deeper relationship to your spouse. We think that this will be a very powerful experience for all couples – irrespective of age.

There are also many activities for families. Most of the time, we are enjoying spontaneous meet-ups. We love to spend time together, go to the playground or do a little roadtrip together. Just to have some fun with our kids.

If this got you curious, send us a message through the CONTACT form below. Just make sure to put “LAM”, “EBK” or “FAMILY” in the subject line.

Jugend - Café Saugstelle - Schmalkalden


We, the young people of JGS YOUTH, usually meet every Saturday at 7:30 pm. It is important to us to ...

… spend time together. We love to cook and eat together, maybe play some pool and have a good time … together and with God!

We meet in our café rooms, the Jugendcafé “Saugstelle” (ground floor, Asbacher Str. 2a).

We are happy to meet new people!

You are welcome to step by!

If you have any questions, you can contact us trough the CONTACT form below.

Nähcafé in Schmalkalden

Sew True

Everything is made with love. We are passionate sewers and we meet four times a year to sew up cute little ...

..outfits, home deco, accessories… Basically everything that we (or others) may like. You are welcome to join us. Our next meeting will be announced in our online CALENDAR.

Would you like to sew along? You can ask about our next event and send us a message through the CONTACT form below. Just make sure to put “Nähcafé” into the subject line. You can also join our WhatsApp group:



We believe that prayer is a powerful tool and that God is still working today! The whole church is invited to join us in prayer every Tuesday between ...

… 6 pm and 9 pm to pray each one individually at home whenever they find the time!

In addition, we gather once a month for prayers on a Wednesday at 7:30 pm. The next prayer meeting will be announced in our online CALENDAR.

Do you have a specific request? You can send us a message through the CONTACT form below. Just make sure to put “PRAYER REQUEST” into the subject line.

We are here and pray for you!

Biker - christliche Motorradfahrer Schmalkalden


There are not too many of us – so there is usually no plan. We just meet spontaneously whenever our work schedule and the weather permit us to do a few laps and ...

… enjoy the motorcycle paradise of Thuringia.

Whenever possible, we attend motorcycle services within the area and meet other bikers.

You are welcome to join us!

You can send us a message through the CONTACT form below. Just make sure to put “BIKERS” into the subjet line. Or you can come and see us on Sunday!


Upcoming Events

Upcoming events

22. October 2024
  • Gebetszeit

    22. October 2024  18:00 - 21:00

    In dieser Zeit wollen wir gemeinsam für unsere Gemeinde, Stadt, ... von Zuhause aus beten - dann, wenn es jedem am besten passt!

    Details anzeigen

  • JGS Leiterkreis

    22. October 2024  19:30 - 21:00

    Details anzeigen

24. October 2024
25. October 2024
26. October 2024
27. October 2024
  • Gottesdienst

    27. October 2024  10:00 - 11:30
    Jesus-Gemeinde Schmalkalden e.V., Asbacher Str. 2A, 98574 Schmalkalden, Deutschland

    Gottesdienst (mit paralleler Kinderbetreuung und Kleinkindbereich)

    Details anzeigen

28. October 2024
  • Zumba Fitness®

    28. October 2024  19:30 - 20:30
    Jesus-Gemeinde Schmalkalden e.V., Asbacher Str. 2A, 98574 Schmalkalden, Deutschland

    Details anzeigen


Contact/How to find us

Jesus-Gemeinde Schmalkalden e.V.
Asbacher Str. 2a
98574 Schmalkalden

T: +49 3683 600081
Facebook: > folge uns auf Facebook <